Thursday, 19th September 2019, from 6 pm, IAGA Contemporary Art opens to the public the exhibition Rivelazioni(Revelations) signed by the artist Silvia Inselvini.
IAGA Contemporary Art as the honour and the pleasure to presents a selection of artworks by the young italian artist Silvia Inselvini, pursuance and development of the previous exhibition made in 2017, Eadem Mutata Resurgo.
The works presented for the exhibition, have been selected by the artist and the gallery together, and other works have been created specifically for the event.
Silvia Inselvini’s poetics, mainly rotates around the idea of time and its uninterrupted flowing, combining this idea with the typical gestures that characterizes her works. Each of her works is characterized by the concentration and attention dedicated by the artist, and this carefulness emerges in each of her artworks, regardless of the material, dimensions, or of the position in the space.
The young artist, born in 1987, has shown ever since the beginning that she wishes to approach a double direction, an opposite one and, as a consequence, meant to always start a strong conflict, both in creation and in the valorisation of the work: a mandatory magical conflict for that alchemy of materials, gestures, operational and processual choices that only the artists can make materialize, merge, thus always generating, simultaneously, works characterised by a complete beauty, a linguistic solidarity and an incandescent anxiety.
For the exhibition, we have the series Notturni (Nocturnes), composed of 120 sheets of paper, each one covered with blue ink, and placed on an iron panel with magnets. These works, where the ball pen, creates, sign after sign, line after line, gesture after gesture, the final result. In the exhibition, we also propose the Kalachakra, spherical forms of various dimensions are slow layers, very slow and tiring, of coloured threads, wool and other tissues that at their turn darn other threads. Animali Prodigiosi (Prodigious animals), are also created with a similar technique, but covering branches, and creating myth-inspired works.
Each of her works, is always created with the idea of make each of us reflect not only about the idea of time about ourselves, with the idea of make us ponder about ourselves, revealing every time a different message, for each viewer.
IAGA Contemporary Art Gallery reveals once again its main objective, that of being a vivid cultural ground looking for a possible cultural exchange and an international dialog. Born from the desire of a real contribution in the cultural development of a generation, the gallery chooses to create not just an exhibition but a moment of ponder towards the meaning of promoting and collecting contemporary art.
The exhibition is open for the public between 19th of September 2019 and 26th of October 2019, in the spaces of IAGA Contemporary Art Gallery.[robo-gallery id=”24591″]
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