Saturday, May 25, at 18:00, IAGA Contemporary Art Gallery opens to the public the exhibition signed by artist  Francesco Arecco.

The opening that he proposes today in Cluj-Napoca, in the new spaces of the IAGA Gallery – four years ago, together with Marco La Rosa, they both exhibited their works under the title Gravity of Variation – is an articulated road full of surprise- who tells us about the history of wood from his skilful hands and about the latest achievements of Arecco.

We start from the very recent works, created in 2019 and specifically for this project, as two of them are titled Tienimi qui (Keep Me Here): both sculptures – the first from sessile weaves from Slavonia, and the second from two ebony elements – is a demand for sharing and persistence despite the very delicate relationship between elements which in oak sculpture define shape by pressure balancing.

Even Cassa di vento (The Wind Box) is a work that contains and gathers something, preserves and reproduces the noise of the wind that forms in the sculpture, stops, and then moves outside of it.

Mutable and metamorphosable, the wind is the metaphorical image of time that becomes space: looking more closely, Arecco’s entire IAGA vernissage is a tremendous allegory of the gallant, loving and passionate relationship we can interpret at many levels between the artist and work, artist and public, and, more in-depth, between art and life, in his secret balances.

With these messages, the simple or multi-element works are loaded, which can be seen in the Gallery’s premises: the complex installation The history and geography of Amsterdam is made up of pieces of wood that for centuries have been immersed in the water of the city’s port in order ​​to deal with the impact of ships and other crafts on arrival and departure. The wood, worked by the artist, is impregnated with all the states and substance of the great city and becomes the spokesman of a changing history, closed in its porous matter.

An act of love defines composite sculpture, bringing with it the memory of a distant geography.


IAGA Art Gallery (9-11 Closca Street, Cluj-Napoca) is pleased to announce the opening of the “Waiting for you” exhibition by italian artist  Francesco Arecco. The exhibition is open from  May 25 to June 30 and can be visited from Wednesday to Saturday in the 14-18 pm.

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